December 2017 Time Tracking

December 24th, 2017
Julia and I track our time every so often (June 2017, 2015, 2011) in order to figure out whether we're dividing things fairly and whether we're spending our time the way we want to. This time we did two weeks, 12/2 through 12/15, and I think they were pretty representative:
  • No work travel.
  • I had one evening gig and one evening rehearsal.
  • Neither of us was laid off.
Here's a chart:


  • Sleep: time from lights out to waking for the day. The kids aren't waking up much in the night, anymore, and I don't think we needed to settle either of them during these two weeks.
  • Work: time spent at work. Includes lunch with coworkers etc.
  • Family: time with Jeff, Julia, and at least one kid.
  • Childcare: time with at least one kid and without the other parent.
  • Personal: leisure, hygeine, personal projects, personal internet, doctor's visits, etc.
  • J+J: time together without the kids.
  • Housework: cleaning, cooking, finances, maintenance, etc if not combined with watching kids.
  • Commute: time getting to and from work each day.

Here's a comparison with the somewhat less representative week I tracked in June:

  • In June I tracked one week instead of two this time, so it's generally not as good a sample.

  • More 'sleep' reflects me trying something new where when I wake up I either get out of bed or lie with my eyes closed to rest more. Previously I would often lie in bed and use my phone. Since 'sleep' ends when I start doing something else, and getting out of bed is hard, this means more time counted as 'sleep'.

  • Time at work is still pretty close to 45hr/week, or about 40hr/week after subtracting lunch.

  • Commute time mostly funges against family time.

  • Personal time is higher because I had a gig and a rehearsal during the December time. (I don't count these as work because I do them for fun and they're not worth it on a financial basis.) This is more representative; June just happened not to include any.

  • Julia and I had two evenings out together: speaking at a local college and my work holiday party. This was much more than usual; we usually only take a few evenings all year. This meant more J+J time and less family time.

  • The decrease in housework is mostly me spending less time working on the house during the tracked period. During the June sample I spent a big part of the weekend working on putting in a sump pit, while this time I spent only one of the two weekends working on the house.

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