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Anything in quotes is what the kids said while looking over these pictures in pre-publication review.


Parallel play. Nora: "we a both takin lawnmowers! Two!"
Lily and Abe managed to get into Seki on 5x5
Anna: "Nora stealing Anna's milk"


5x5 Go with Ricci
Nora loves the little green tent
Anomia with family
Nora: "that Nora at Ricci house"
Family reunion after Nora tested positive for covid and they could see her again
Catching snowflakes on the tongue
Rolling a snowball
You can see how thick the layers are; ideal snow for it
Anna has a fish! Lily has one too, but it lives in her room.
Making a dollhouse.
Putting on the hinges so the two halves can fold together.
Several parties hosted at the rink this year
Nora loves to "go a soolyaad" in the mornings
Playing the typing game
Lily has been playing fiddle a lot this year
Anna has, luckily, not being playing the sousaphone a lot this year
Nora loves to wear other people's shoes
7x7 Go with Ricci
Settlers of Catan. The main change you need to play it with kids is to use a lower target number of points to match their attention span. Six is good. And let the kids place both of their starter settlements before any adults.
Nora loves the little car, a park toy
Nora borrowed my Suzie mittens
They were too big and fell off
Sneaking into the ice cream while we rearrange the freezer.
Birthday party in Medford
Anna: "Cammy playing piano"
Pretending to be a couch so Nora will come and sit. It didn't work, and Lily might not have liked it if it had.
Anna turns seven
Lily made Anna a laptop for her birthday
Nora loves to play "lion", roaring and scaring us
Cora and Stewart came to visit; Lily likes her Snap Circuits
Making truffles
The annual transition of the hand-me-downs. Anna is sufficiently clothed. Lily is in there somewhere too.
Grampa reading a book to Lily and Anna
We took a day to go into the city together, mostly in the North End
Anna playing hat thief with her Grampa
Not sure whether she's having fun
Anna: "that's me and Lily going down the slide in an awkward position"
Nora had never seen so many desserts
Eating the strawberry off was her favorite part
Anna: "Lily helping Nora walk on a wall"
Riding home on the new green line extension
Making snow angels
Ice cream on the kitchen floor
New extra warm mittens for playing in the snow
Nora: "I hidin"
With Rosie
Nora loves the house with keys that unlock the doors
And sometimes gets eaten by a caterpiller
Nora loves to look at pictures on people's phones
Nora goes solo
Trying a train (it didn't work)
Snowy rocks at Singing Beach
Nora: "Readin a book to me. Lily."
Nora: "eatin cereal"
Nora: "That picture funny!" "I a wearin Lily's sungasses! Have eyes!"
Guillotine with sick Lily
Nora: "Eatin a snack. Noodles I think? Maybe rice? Maybe."
Starting on the balance bike. Wearing Anna's helmet briefly before she got her own.
Anna: "Family dancing and playing music"
Looking at Weiwei's car
Nora: "I boke my leg. I got boo cass."
Playing with Tamlin and Calliope before BTS 2023
Showing off the wagon
Playing in the open band at BTS
Olivia and Felix were in town for the weekend too
Nora: "I readin a book"
Nora has her own tableau
Nora: "We watchin a movie." Lily's birthday sleepover.
Building with twigs
Hosting a jamming party before the BIDA open band
Anna makes a fruit salad for the potluck
Cast off, boot on!
Fish feeding with cousins
I made lots of desserts for a board games party
Anna likes the cupcakes best
Modern art, a game no one knows the strategy for
Not sure what game this is, but they seemed to enjoy it. Lily: "that's Mysterium"
Cousins visiting!
Joint birthday in Medford
Very excited about her new easel
Row row row your boat
Anna: "I wonder how Lily did that! You would think it wouldn't be sturdy enough." Nora: "Why Lily built that?" Anna: "I don't think Lily built that. That was at Olivia's friends house."
BIDA open band
Carol and Alex leading
Claudia's family visits
Nora is cheerful dispite the boot
Lily fixes a park toy
Decorating Easter eggs
Pick me up!
Peeling lots of potatoes for Passover dinner
Preparing the seder plate
Rosie has an old pool that needed to be broken down for the trash. I made an Office Space-inspired video.
Helping Nora find her Easter basket
Looking for Easter eggs in the park
Nora: "Slidin on a big big slide!
House dinner as a picnic
Julia has been very into giant bubbles
Nora has been very into the ice cream
Nora: "Me and Anna hidin in a box. Be in a box!"
Anna teaching Nora to write
Anna is very proud she can do Nora's pre-bedtime "baby milk"
Muddy River Morris at NEFFA
Jamming with Lily at NEFFA. This year we'll be leading a kids jam, 2pm on Sunday.
Anna: "Playing magic family with Olivia's new pig stuffie, at NEFFA"
Dancing in an empty room after Andy Taylor-Blenis' family dance session
But not empty enough
Lily is ready to dance in the main hall
Boot is off, and standing tall
Putting dolls to bed
Helping get ready for our monthly effective altruism dinner
Lily: "Nora is like, I sad I don't have my new 'bella!"
Did you hear the one about the pickle?
It was a big dill!
May pole in our driveway
Mira taking pictures for the Kingfisher album
Anna: "Look, I'm Totoro!"
Wading at Sandy Beach
Anna: "That was when I was making an invitation for a sleepover with Elise"
Nora does the tall slide alone now
Nora: "Me hiding 'hind a tree! I peekin. I like dat picture. It very funny now"
Oversold flower scent
Swing at Ricci's
Nora loves to put on her backpack and go to the schoolyard
The kids love Erika. Her last day was sad.
Anna: "that's Anna and Nora sharing tea, and drinking it with spoons" Nora: "that me drinkin tea!"
Selling lemonade and Kingfisher merch during porchfest
Special Mother's Day breakfast. Just before Julia was extensively serenaded on eight-months-lessons fiddle and zero-months-lessons tin whistle.
Nora: "Doin' dis [imitates picture]"
Strong Nora to push a whole car!
Playing with baby cousins
Being groceries
The car is Nora's favorite park toy
Nora needs help to join in with the pinata striking
Audience participation with Pinewoods Morris in Davis Square
Davis Square park
Portable ice cream at Albion
Portage Glacier, with Amy and Dave, my Alaska trip
Surfing at Sandy Beach
Nora looking hip
Music with Ricci and Lily while Nora colors
Nora finally likes her dragon costume. Six months after Halloween...
Electric mandolin
Apples to Apples with Amy and Baxter
The coloration is wildfire smoke.
Nora is not concerned about the scorpion in her lolly
Nora: "Put a fork in my mouf"
Nora: "Where Anna go?"
Eggy crepes for breakfast
Picking mulberries
Nora likes them a lot
Nora helps water the garden
Wet from the splash pad at the park
Turning two
New sunglasses!
More mullberies
Anna: "That's me and Lily making Ooblek"
The Make Way for Ducklings ducklings downtown
Nora: "I brushin my mouf"
Nora: "Look out a window look a Weiwei car"
Our flight to FL was so delayed we had time to go hang out at the park for two hours
At Joe's for Dancing Fish
Pickle Ball at the break
Making paper airplanes
Picking up glass from a downed power line
Contemplating "Mount Melrose"
Playing pool, in a way that's much better for kids
Our flight back was delayed too so we had time to visit a museum with Angela
Comparing Lily's tooth to a mastodon tooth
We got to see the sun set over the ocean; not something you can see in Boston!
Nora: "I wadering dat cord. 'Hose', not 'cord'."
Anna: "That's me going to drink a potion Lily made"
Lily organized us into a Fourth of July parade
Anna: "Fourth of July parade"
Nora: "We lisening audio book"
Playing at Revere Beach
Anna: "Nora on the sandbar at the beach"
Sand castles
Anna: "Nora splashing in a puddle of sandy watter at the beach"
Anna: "Nora looking at the sky, trying to see what weather it is"
Nora: "walkin in the sand, very slippery"
Nora: "this one is a label"
Visiting the Brattleboro cousins
Pretending to be Lily
Nora has started melting into the ground as protest. This is a picture Julia took to communicate that they'd be late.
Nora:"I rippin dat" [she isn't; probably peekaboo]
Face paint at Somerstreets
Anna: "the person who did me and Lily's face paints, they're really good at it!"
Nora disagrees with me about cleaning glasses. Nora: "washin my sunglasses"
Nora: "dat Mama readin a book a me"
The kidport is a highlight of any trip. Nora: "dat a petty red dog"
Looking for our plane
The creek by our vacation house
Bubbles with cousins
The view from Chimney Rock. So many stairs up!
The waterfall was less unique but more fun
Trying to get a picture of the cousins
The picture
Airplane baby!
Special matching sister dresses
Panning for gems
Picking wild blackberries on the hike to Eagle Rock (another one I'd do again before Chimney Rock)
Blueberries at a family friend's
Caramel apples at the airport home, for special
The ball is actually 3ft in diameter (r/confusingperspective)
Nora loves pushing her cart
Visit from a butterfly
Nora likes a game where we ask her if she is an object, she says yes, we interact with her as one. I think here she's a telescope.
Nora learns to scoot
Bohdi teaches the kids to make hexaflexagons
Visiting Canobie Lake Park
This ride is old but very well designed. You go around a pair of circles connected by a long straight section. The half-circle sections are centrifugally intense but short, with just the right amount of recovery time on the straightaways.
Lily knows no fear
Teaching Anna two-finger Hot Cross Buns
Anna and Julia are very into this plant pathology. Lily is not.
Turkey turkey!
So many apples this year; Rick brought a tree's worth on vacation
After our first Vrbo fell through my cousin was able to line up another one, which had a swimming pool!
Lots of swimming practice for Lily
Lily learns to be comfortable submerged
Making chocolate turnovers with Ezra
We walked to a playground that was way too hot, but the kids liked the merry go round
Dandelion chains
Fiddle tunes
More giant bubbles
Holding hands for grace
With this many people a birthday is likely, though not paradoxically likely
Cape May
"That's Nora running around a fountain"
"That's Mary reading a book to me, Ezra, and Wesley"
"That's Davy and Nora walking to the beach in Cape May"
"Pencer blowin bubbles. Pop a bubbles!"
"Anna, Wesley, Ezra, and Spencer smashing a sand castle"
"That's Anna sitting in a sand throne she made, holding a fake sting ray. I really liked that sting ray, but I lost him."
"Poppin dat big big bubble!"
"That's someone telling us about how there was a fire in a house nearby, and that was why there was water all over the place in the street."
"Disco Cameron!"
Preparing to take a group photo
The group photo
"Carving pictures onto pieces of slate"
Jamming at Sarah and Max's party
Ben and Taryn visit
Good weather for outdoor Tuesday family dinner
"I think we were just standing on the bench because we just happened to be there."
Nora tries fiddle
"Lily playing a game on her tablet with me and Nora watching"
Weiwei and baby Jo
EA dinner
Not actually the first day of school: we did a practice run the day before
Everyone wants turns with the giant bubbles. Nora can do it now!
Actual first day of school
A hat we found in a free box walking around. Almost everyone moves on 9/1 here, so there's lots to choose from.
Charlie reading to the kids
"That was our Frozen play"
"Erka huggilin me!"
A walk in the Blue Hills on a very hot day
Learning to catch a ball
Height is very helpful in basketball
Nora is starting to learn how to use the walkie talkies
"Dat bock paty!"
Her first helium baloon
Rosie's patio
The cooks raising their hands
I'm glad I built these shelves sturdily
Nora takes a turn with the camera
Metal detecting
Baby Jo is the center of attention
Anna fell asleep on the floor at Adirondack Dance Weekend
"That's us doing archery"
"Iss a wire"
Unlike us, Cecilia knows what she's doing
Anna and I hit the same spot
Lily forgot to bring shoes to the dining hall so we took turns getting food
"That's Lily pointing out a toad to me"
On top of sunrise mountain
"I'm holding a rock and two acorns"
Transfering a catepiller from the dining hall to the bushes
This is an umbrella, because there's a string of cheese coming down from it
Nora climbed into the chair, pulled on the boppy, and said she was going to nurse mama
Sardines at the park
Nora is last
Giant bubbles at a work potluck
Nora loves to look at pictures
Honk is much more fun at the right volume
Nora joins in the morris dancing
Julia dancing with Muddy River
Sometimes you get the apple
Sometimes the apple gets you
Lily loves the apple picker
Nora loves the green LED
Lily makes pancakes
Harvard Sq park during HONK
Lily wrote a waltz, which Cecilia typeset
"Maybe I had needed ear protection earlier so I was still wearing them? I don't know."
"Sittin on dat swide!"
Visiting Anne on the way to DC
Jamming during the SecureBio retreat
Star Realms (space Dominion) with coworkers
Anomia, the good way with coworkers
The historic looms at the Lowell Mills still work, and are super loud
Lily's bridging ceremony
Nora wants to figure out how the trash can works
Lily is now a Junior. Nora is not a Brownie.
Jamming after EA Global
Two pirates and a sea monster
Nora decorates a pumpkin from Rosie's garden
Nora said she's putting on a belt for a party: "and be nice and cozy, and be lotta cupcakes."
The neighbors are building an addition
Nora is insufficiently strong
Lily helps me make mille-feuille
Nora helps too
Julia singing to Nora with another round of covid isolating
Lily has been watching a lot of Is It Cake, and decided to make a handbag. She bought modeling chocolate with her allowance, and we baked the sponge together.
Looking through photo albums
First floor bathroom, after demo
Prepping carrots for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving at our house this year because Alice's family got covid and couldn't come
Post-Thanksgiving gingerbread house decorating at Barb and Jon's
Macy has gotten big!
Lee played Jeff and Ricci simultaneously with 2 and 4 handicaps. Despite extensive trash talking, he loses both.
Nora loves to watch the liquid alarm bubbles
Playing on the bike path
Launching Lily off a branch
The Taxi Game
Nora is proud that she washed her own tomato
Singing beach
Good views
Nora loves the hidey hole, which she calles her "sekit room"
The valves are all up because they are seriously stuck
Nora is not eligible to be stored under the seat in front of me
Flying to visit Julia's folks in NC, after the first attempt was derailed by two of the three households getting covid at once
Nora experiments with classic rhythms
Dictating into her "phone"
Meeting Allison's family halfway for a walk in the woods
Wheelbarrow rides with Grandpa
Maximizing angular velocity
The MT-40's audio is much better if you record it and play it back on a speaker that isn't tiny and forty years old
Making Christmas ornaments with Grandma
"That's boxes. Little boxes you stack up into a tower.""
Fiddle tunes with Grandpa
Nora has a ride on the spinny swing
NC Zoo
Including a helicopter
Nora imitating the gorilla's expression. A few minutes later they started fighting, which really scared her, and now she doesn't like gorillas or other non-human primates.
An attempt to take a family picture
So much time on the swing!
Picking out a Christmas tree
"I like how Nora's dress goes so well with the piano"
Jumping on Ricci's couch
"Nora decided to sit on my face."
Making cookies at David and Al's new place
Lily and I made the sled when she was not much older than Nora
"Morgan looks very proud in that picture." "He almost looks like Spencer!"
Family Christmas in Medford
Lily gets a clarinet
"Anna brought too much stuff"
Making giaotze
"That's me kind of stuck in a bin full of dressups"
Blind test to see if the Lily could taste the "tasteless" iron powder; she went 0/4.
Peeling apples for pie
Lily clues for codenames
Playing Manhunt at Tower Park
Nora said: "I wanna sit on it". Sit on what? "Onna sunset."
The salad spinner is very entertaining
This Magic game went from 9p, to 12:15am. Then we played Brass Birmingham.
"Look a me look a me I so warm!"
"Hey look it's a triangle made out of heads!"
Everyone wants a turn with the apple peeler
Singing party
Secular solstice
Lots of tech in my accompaniment
Nora helps me reassemble the dining room table
Preparing for a NYE party in Medford
Taking bunny's temperature