Rejoining Google

August 17th, 2017
ea, switching_jobs, work
A week from Monday I'm starting back at Google. [1] I'm pretty excited about it, both the company and the team I'll be on.

When I left Google for Wave I wrote:

This does mean taking a pay cut: I'll be making about half as much [from a cashflow perspective]. At the same time, I'm moving from a job that was primarily valuable for what it would let me donate, to one that is primarily valuable for the work I'm doing. So I'm making two changes to my donation plans:
  • I'm planning to donate 30% instead of 50%. This is also 30% of a smaller number, so my total donations will look more like $50k than $150k.

  • I had been splitting my donations evenly between things that do good directly and things that try to grow the effective altruism movement. Working for Wave is in the former category, so I'm planning to focus donations on EA movement growth.

Going back to Google means reversing both of these. I'm not sure if we can manage 50% in 2017 since I'm starting halfway through the year, but unless something large goes wrong I think we can.

[1] Some background:

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