What Do You Do Where?

July 25th, 2015
map, tech
You can ask Android "what is this phone doing?" and it will classify your recent movements as:
inVehicle The device is in a vehicle, such as a car.
onBicycle The device is on a bicycle.
onFoot The device is on a user who is walking or running.
running The device is on a user who is running.
still The device is still (not moving).
tilting The device angle relative to gravity changed significantly.
unknown Unable to detect the current activity.
walking The device is on a user who is walking.
I have location history enabled on my phone, and it's been telling Google my location and activity classification more or less continuously since 2012-09-20. This is now included in Google Takeout, so we can map it. What do I tend to do where?

zoomable map

Colors are:

inVehicle red
onBicycle pink
onFoot purple
still blue
tilting green
unknown yellow
exitingVehicle orange

zoomable map

You can see roads, because they're red (inVehicle), and home/work have a lot of blue (still), but overall this doesn't seem super useful. Maybe there would be something more interesting if I weighted by frequency? (Where do I tilt the most?)

Code is on github

Comment via: google plus, facebook

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