Boston Needs a Centrally Located Weekly Contra Dance

September 12th, 2011
Boston's contra dancing now happens predominantly at the concord scout house twenty miles outside of the city, and has since the thursday dance moved out there in august 2006. This meant that there were three dances a week at the scout house: mondays, thursdays, and most saturdays.

When you have a lot of dances in the same place, however, you lose differentiation. How should I choose which dance to go to? When dances are convenient to different people you can get different crowds each night and can have multiple healthy dances. With all the dances in the same hall, a lot of people decide they'll go to the biggest one because that's when they're most likely to see their friends. Two of the three saturday series there have now ended, and monday attendance has declined since 2006.

We have a different group of people at the bida dances in porter square than I see at the scout house, and I think a lot of that is how easy it is to get there. A lot of younger dancers don't have cars, and a lot of our potential audience of new dancers are not going to drive out to concord to give it a try.

The thursday dance regards their stay at concord to be a temporary one, but shows no signs of moving back into the city.

Should there be a new series? Should one of the more central dances [1] move to weekly, potentially in a larger hall? Are you interested in helping make something happen?

[1] There are some dances closer in: tuesdays at mit, some saturdays in jp, and third sundays in porter square. Potentially one of these could move to weekly, but I don't see them doing that. Except maybe the bida dance? Perhaps I should talk to the organizers.

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