BIDA Family Dance Timing

April 2nd, 2018
contra, organizing
Someone was asking how the BIDA family dance timing works, so here's it written up:
hall opens, family dance musicians set up on the floor
family dance starts
most of the kids who are coming are here by now
sound person arrives for evening dance, starts setting up on stage
family dance ends, start setting up for potluck
tables and chairs are set up, people start getting potluck food
everyone has their food
evening band starts their sound check
most of the kids are done eating, back to running around
most of the adults are done eating, though still at the tables
beginner's workshop starts by the stage, people keep eating
people start cleaning up from the potluck
workshop ends, evening dance starts

And a series of diagrams showing how this works out in our hall:

While this looks like very tight timing when I'm describing it, the actual timing tends to feel pretty good.

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