Reverse RSS Feed

February 8th, 2013
rss, tech
When I come across writing I like I add it to my rss reader. This is great, because later posts the author writes I will see automatically. But sometimes people have been writing for a long time and have lots of archives. I don't want it all at once; I want to get them as occasional updates. Reading their writing going backwords, getting a new post in my reader every so often, seems about right. I want a reverse rss feed.

So I made one for my posts, and I hope other people make them for theirs. Each post has at the top a link "◂◂ RSS" that will go back through my posts with a new old one every time I make a new new one. There's a different one for each page (and all the links change every time I make a post) so that they update properly. If you'd like to read from some point in the past, look down the index until you see the oldest post you remember, then click through and add the "◂◂ RSS" link on that page to your rss reader.

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Comment via: google plus, facebook, hacker news

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