Freezer Contents

December 22nd, 2019
food, house
This afternoon I defrosted our chest freezer, which I probably should have done about two years ago. Aside from having spent a long time dealing with frost buildup, another downside of waiting so long turned out to be that by the time I learned that the drain didn't work it was already out of warranty.

We mostly use the chest freezer for three things:

  • Buying things when they happen to be on sale.
  • Having enough space that we can make large ~quarterly shops when we have access to a car.
  • Storing leftovers and other cooked-ahead food.
The main tricky part is not losing track of things in it, since the closer it gets to full the harder it is to find anything.

While I was reorganizing and refilling it I took inventory. This is what was in it:

  • Dairy (60lb):
    • 3.4gal ice cream
    • 19lb butter
    • 6lb cheddar
    • 2.5lb shredded mozzarella
    • 8oz cream cheese
  • Raw meat (48lb):
    • 15lb stew beef
    • 11lb ground beef
    • 8lb bacon
    • 7lb sweet italian sausage
    • 5.7lb chicken thighs
    • 1pt chicken for soup
  • Ready to defrost and eat (26lb):
    • 7lb hot dogs
    • 6lb ravioli
    • 5lb chicken nuggets
    • 2.8lb fish sticks
    • 1.8lb frozen pizza
    • 1lb cooked mussels
    • 1lb shredded ham
    • 9oz par-baked bread
    • 9oz hotdog buns
    • 2 salmon patties
  • Vegan stuff (19lb):
    • 5.3lb tofu
    • 3.5lb vegan cheddar shreds
    • 3pt vegan ice cream
    • 2.6lb vegan sausage
    • 2lb earth balance sticks
    • 18oz vegan ice cream sandwiches
    • 1lb tempe
    • 9oz vegan breakfast sausage
  • Fruit and veg (16lb):
    • 8lb chopped onions
    • 3lb mango
    • 2.5lb raspberries
    • 2lb peas
    • 12oz spinach
  • Frozen leftovers (13lb):
    • 2pt vegan pasta sauce
    • 2pt beef stew
    • 2pt vegan beans
    • 2lb beef and onions
    • 2lb BBQ pork
    • 1pt vegan peanut ginger soup
    • 1lb vegan cardamon saffron sauce
    • 1pt unlabeled sauce
  • Other (12lb):
    • 5.4lb puff pastry
    • 1qt bacon grease
    • 2lb shortening
    • one pie crust
    • 1pt red cooking wine
    • 8oz almonds
    • 1C stew mushrooms
    • 4oz dried basil

This is for a house with six adults (three omnivores, two vegans, one vegetarian), and two kids (one of which is kind of vegetarian).

Comment via: facebook, lesswrong

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