Door Ideas

October 25th, 2019
The front door to our apartment doesn't really have space to swing. When we first moved in it opened to the right, blocking part of the hallway and keeping you from carrying groceries straight through to the kitchen:

This was annoying, so after some discussion with housemates I turned it around:

In practice this is maybe better, maybe worse, still pretty annoying.

We've considered removing the door:

But this would let kid-noise carry more down to Julia's office, wouldn't work if we had a housemate with a small child or cat, and if at some point the people downstairs were not close friends it would be a little weird.

We could have the door open out instead:

But this would be too awkward to open, since the landing is so small that the door kind of needs to swing through you.

So, it currently still looks like:

One idea is I could cut it down the middle, and let it fold a second time:

This gets it out of the way when it's open, but at the cost of having a really very large swing.

Perhaps the door should open in the middle?

Very narrow for a double door, and it still sticks out a bit on the left. There's extra space on the right, though, so you could make it asymmetrical?

Or, even one door going in and one going out?

This would be a bit more work, but we could put a track on the ceiling that allowed the door to slide around a curve, opening outwards but with a much reduced sweep:

Predictions on what we'd end up liking best?

Referenced in: Boston Solstice 2019 Retrospective

Comment via: facebook, lesswrong

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