Inscrutable Blog Notes

June 16th, 2013
When I get an interesting idea that I might want to make into a blog post I'll get out my phone and make a note. I'm generally in a hurry doing this, because I'm in the middle of something else or don't want to be rude to other people in the room by falling into my phone, so I'll write the bare minimum I think I'll need to remind me of the idea later. Sometimes this doesn't work, and I'll completely forget what I meant by something:
  • Charity conversation with economist
  • Vertical wrapping terminals
  • Proximity keys warnings
  • Lobster stomach signaling
  • Knowledge meeting unlock
Other times I can remember what I was thinking, but a combination of bad spelling, autocorrect, and me being weird means no one else would understand. Even if they do, they might still think they're silly. Julia looked over my notes and made a list of ones she thought were funny:
  • Pigeons have magnets
  • Throw out bad whiteboard markers
  • Pineapple swelling reduce
  • You should try contra dancing
  • Cat droppings
  • Julia and I are weird, how did we get this way?
  • Cross country fish scale shoes ice
  • Why would conservatives be better at things
  • Flash intros are disrespectful
  • Anyone who sings folk songs should be able to credit their sources
  • Anthropic argument mad

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