Belief Listing Project: Introduction, Gay Marriage

July 24th, 2011
current_beliefs, marriage, past_beliefs
In talking to people, I'm often accused of trying to tear down other people's beliefs without offering any of my own. A lot of this is because there are a lot of things where I really don't know the right answer. There are many issues, though, where I do have a belief I'm pretty confident in, confident enough that I think it should be widely adopted. So I'm going to start a series of posts of these, with the goal of increasing consideration of these issues.

A significant drawback with public expressions of opinions is that changing your mind later is made more difficult. If a belief is wrong, I don't want to believe it, and having previously argued in its favor should not keep me from renouncing it on good evidence of its falsehood. As I create this category I'm also creating a sister category that I hope to move entries to as I change my mind on things. I really actually *like* it when people convince me I'm wrong on something, and I will be grateful to you if you induce me to move a posting to the "past beliefs" category.

To be included in this series a belief has to be either uncommonly held or counter to existing policy. Many will be uncontroversial among my friends, but I still think it's useful to stand behind them. Which brings me to my first one: denying people the right to marry because of their genders is wrong.

I don't know if it makes sense for the government to keep track of who is married, I don't know if the government should be giving financial and other incentives to people to marry. I can see strong arguments both ways. I cannot see any argument for limiting marriage to one man and one woman. If you have one that might convince me, I would like to non-sarcastically ask you to let me know.

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