CS40: Computer Graphics, Lab 4

2D Manipulations

By Jeff Kaufman

In this lab I extended the graphics library I started in lab 2. Most of these extentions were related to adding two dimensional rotation, translation, and scaling, and involved implementation of a simple matrix math libray.

Professor Maxwell's Enterprise, at a rotation of 305 degrees firing phasers at a cloaked Klingon bird of prey 40 degrees to port:

A movie of the Enterprise futilely firing phasers at the sun and going to warp.

The model of the Enterprise above is made by scaling, rotating, and translating the unit square and the unit circle into pretty formations. My unit circle is not drawn with my circle drawing algorithm and instead is a 32 vertex polygon because I wanted the ship to be able to stretch properly when going to warp at any angle.

API Info

The basic API is presented in the graphics specification for the lab. I wrote in C, and so implemented the C portion of the spec, extending the portions I wrote last week. I did not write any addtional functions for this week.

Lab Questions

  1. For this lab, as with previous labs, I worked alone.
  2. The global transformation matrix is currently hardcoded to be the identity matrix, but if I wanted to do something with it I would just need to edit and recompile. If I wanted to do much I would likely make it depend on some command line parameters.
  3. The viewing transformations were designed to be hand edited for each image created; not really ideal.
  4. The command line arguments were mostly created in the order I needed them. They are messy and would be frustrating to work with for anything more complicated than the movie above, especially if I did not have bash to be helpful and script the changing parameters. I mostly didn't worry much about this because I want to completely re-write the pipleline for lab 5 and this is going to be scrapped then.
  5. The only extensions I did this week were the phasers and warp-stretching on my Enterprise and the movie creation. The anti-aliasing from previous weeks is still working.
    Jeff Kaufman : 2006
    cbr at sccs dot swarthmore dot spam edu. Remove spam.

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