CS25: Computer Architecture, lab 4

Realtime Video Processing with MMX

By Jeff Kaufman

In this lab I implemented several video processing algorithms in C with in-line assembly, making use of the MMX SIMD instructions of the later Pentiums. I also implemented these algorithms in straight C and compared them for speed.


Background Subtraction

In this algorithm I take a static image and subtract it from each following image, displaying the absolute value of the difference each time. This is pretty simple with the MMX instruction set, as with saturated arithmatic, (a-b) + (b-a) = |a-b|. That means that with two subtractions and an add we can compute 8 pixels.

Edge Detection

For this algorithm it computes an approximation of the magnitude of the gradient at each point and displays that. In flat places the gradient is almost zero so it shows black, while on edges the gradient is larger so it gives values closer to white. The value for each pixel is calculated as |a-b|+|c-d|, where a and b are the pixels immediately to the left and right, while c and d are the ones above and below. This is a nice algorithm because we can just repeat the steps of background subtraction twice and add the results.


For ghosting we blend the current view of the world with the world as it was a certain number of frames ago. Frames are put into a history buffer as they are captured, and the output for each pixel is half its current value plus half its past value. This should just be two steps, a bitshift and an add, repeated once for each pixel in the current image and once for each pixel in the historic image. It is made a little complicated, however, by the MMX shifting operation being unable to work on packed bytes, just words, double words, and quad words. I had to do a bitwise and to clear the appropriate bits, which is a bit of an ugly kludge. It is still a fast algorithm, just not as elagant as it should be.

Consistency putter

This algorithm goes through a history and turns any pixels that changed over the time period black, showing what parts of the picture are in motion. This algorithm was going to be part of the background generator, but I re-did the algorithm so it was no longer needed.

Background Generation

Here I take two frames and for each pixel where the variance is less than a threshold I update the output. This keeps moving things from showing up while consistent things remain. If something is consistent long enough, it too will show up. I implemented this in both C and assembly, but there are problems with the assembly.

Transparency Cloak

Now we can combine background generation and ghosting to let people show up in a scene as transparent. Any movement in front of the camera shows up as only half there, while anything that stays still long enough becomes solid.


I ran each of these for at least a minute, and recorded the framerates:

Algorithm C time (fps) MMX time (fps)
Through 15.22222 n/a
Delay 14.91892 n/a
Ghosting 14.94444 15.13333
Edge detection 14.73684 14.96607
Background Subtraction 14.98876 14.87273
Background Generation 15.02326 n/a
TransCloak 14.80000 n/a

These results are somewhat surprising, as because MMX allows us to do operations eight pixels at a time, we would expect it to be faster, but in many cases the plain C was faster. These results don't seem very trustworthy, however, as TransCloak which combines two Ghostings and a Background Generation is faster than both of them. And Through is the slowest of all, even though it is doing something that all of the others do as well. This makes me suspect that the limiting factor is not the speed of the algorithm but the framerate of the camera and that this framerate is inconsistent.

Jeff Kaufman : 2005
cbr at sccs dot swarthmore dot spam edu. Remove spam.

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