CS25: Computer Architecture, Lab 3

Implementing an instruction set.

by Jeff Kaufman

In this lab I wrote a VHDL description for a simple processor, wrote an assembler for it and tested it by loading it onto a hardware simulation board.

The processor is built on the Harvard architecture, with separate data and program memories. This is useful because we can use RAM for the data but ROM for the program. It also allows us to save one bit on our addresses, as it is always clear from context whether an address is for data or for instruction. A two digit signed-hexadecimal output and an 8-bit DIP-switch input are also available to the processor. It has a reset button and a button to resume processing after a WAT ("wait") instruction. It has three addressing modes available: immediate, direct, and register indirect. Each opcode only has one addressing mode it can use. To provide full support for register indirect addressing I needed to add an SMQ ("store the ACC to the address in the MQ") instruction.

Processor Layout:

Register Value Size (bits)
WE Write Enable 1
DMW RAM input 8
DMF RAM output 8
MBR ROM output 10
ACC Accumulator (main register) 8
MQ Secondary register 8
MAR Memory address register 5
PC Program counter 5
DIP The DIP switches 8
LED Hexadecimal digit display 8
FLGS Condition flags 2
BTN Wakeup button 1

State Diagram:

Instruction Meaning
Fetch1 Request the next instruction
Fetch2 Interpret the instruction
Wait1 If the button hasn't been pressed, stay here
AA1 Finish load direct
AB1 Set the RAM back to be read only
AC1 ADD the recieved operand to the accumulator
AC2 Clean up from the add, set flags appropriately
AD1 AND the recieved operand to the accumulator
DA1 Finish up the register indirect load
DB1 Finish up the register indirect save
Excecution Example:

To execute

   ADD 00000
The processor goes through the following stages:
1.Fetch1 : Bring down "LIO".
2.Fetch2 : Set the ACC to the signal from the DIP.
3.Fetch1 : Bring down "ADD 00000".
4.Fetch2 : Set the MAR to "00000".
5.AC1 : Add the contents of the DMF to the FatACC.
6.AC2 : Set the ACC to a shrunken FatACC and set flags.

You can see it executing these steps in the simulator below:

simulator data

Implementing Memory and IO

I implemented both the RAM and ROM with Altera megafunctions. The RAM is 32 lines at 8 bits per line while the ROM is 10 bits per line. The RAM starts unassigned while the ROM is loaded from a MIF file.

The IO is mostly simple, connecting the DIPs through to the CPU. The display is a little more complicated, as converting the 8-bit output to the appropriate settings of the 15 segments requires many cases.


The assembler takes in JSM files and writes out MIF files. It is written in java and will run as "java AssemToo input.jsm ins_rom.mif". It supports variables, loops, pointers, and arrays.

Some example code:
C jAssem
int a,b; DEF a
a += b; LAD a
a = 2; LDD 00000010
int c[4]; DEF c 3
for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
  c[i] = c[i] + b;
LDD 00000000
loop: LDD c
LDD 00000100
JMQ loop

Jeff Kaufman : 2005
cbr at sccs dot swarthmore dot spam edu. Remove spam.

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