Baby Nicknames

December 12th, 2021
Lily and Anna rarely call Nora by her name. Instead, it's always nicknames, with lots of variety. For a week starting on Thanksgiving I counted how often they used different terms:

21 Norkit (Anna favorite)
20 Nwetzel (Lily favorite)
16 Norky
9 Cuddleezel
7 Norka
7 Nori
4 Norit
4 Cuddleitz (former favorite)
3 Norweasel
3 Norklet
2 Norkla
2 Cuddlet

Terms I only recorded once: Cuddleez, Cuddlehat, Cuddleoo, NW, Norahats, Noranoo (former favorite), Norba, Norcuddly, Norfi, Norfkit, Norflea, Norfo, Norfu, Norito, Norkakit, Norkaloo, Norkanoo, Norkita, Norkito, Norko, Norkwinza, Norkwitz, Norquo.

I counted each term once per "session", where if they said "Norkit Norkit Notkit" I would still only count that once, while if an hour later they said "market" again I would give it another tally. Doesn't include any sessions where I had my hands full or otherwise wasn't able to easily tally.

It took me a while to get around to posting this, during which both kids, but especially Lily, have started using "Kaia" a lot. Asking Lily, she says it is "short for Cuddler".

Comment via: facebook, lesswrong

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