You die suddenly or in a circumstance where you would not be able to be frozen in time Jim: .1, .05 Ben: .2 Kelly: .04 Mick: .1 Julia: .2 You die of something where the brain is degraded at death Jim .005 Ben .05 Kelly .1 Mick .08 Julia .2-personal You die in a hospital that refuses access to you by the cryonics people Jim .05 Ben .05 Kelly .01 Mick .06 Julia .1 After death your relatives reject your wishes and don't let the cryonics people freeze you Jim .001 Ben .000005 Kelly .0004 Mick .01 Julia .1 Some law is passed that prohibits cryonics before you die Jim .001 Ben .01 Kelly .01 Mick .04 Julia .02 The cryonics people make a mistake in freezing you Jim .2 Ben .10 Kelly .10 Mick .02 Julia .05 Not all of what makes you you is encoded in the physical state of the brain (or whatever you'd have preserved) Jim: .000001 Ben: .000001 Kelly: .0000000001 Mick: .005 Julia: .01 The current cryonics process is insufficient to preserve everything Jim .35 Ben .33 Kelly .0001 Mick .15 Julia .60 All people die and that means you're not revived Jim .3 Ben .33 Kelly .02 Mick .4 Julia .15 Society falls apart (gc but not x risks) Jim .1 Ben .33 Kelly .000000001 Mick .1 Julia .1 Some time after you die cryonics is outlawed Jim .0001 Ben .001 Kelly .001 Mick .01 Julia .01 All cryonics companies go out of business Jim .01 Ben .5 Kelly .05 Mick .15 Julia .3 The cryonics company you chose goes out of business Jim .05 Ben .05 Kelly .01 Mick .03 Julia .07 Your cryonics company screws something up and you are defrosted Jim .05 Ben .05 Kelly .001 Mick .02 Julia .05 It is impossible to extract all the information preseved in the frozen brain Jim .0001 Ben .0000000001 Kelly .0000000001 Mick .02 Julia .1 The technology is never developed to extract the information Jim .01 Ben .25 Kelly .01 Mick .25 Julia .2 No one is interested in your brain's information Jim .01-typical .00001-self Ben .000000001 Kelly .001 Mick .001 Julia .1 It is too expensive to extract your brain's information Jim .03 Ben .2 Kelly .001 Mick .05 Julia .1 Reviving people in simulation is impossible Jim .000000001 Ben .000000001 Kelly .000000001 Mick .000000001 Julia .01 Jeff .0001 The .technology is never developed to run people in simulation Jim .0001 Ben .05 Kelly .001 Mick .1 Julia .1 Jeff .0001 Running people in simulation is outlawed Jim .1 Ben .1 Kelly .0001 Mick .02 Julia .01 No one is interested running you in simulation Jim .001 Ben .05 Kelly .01 Mick .001 Julia .01 It is too expensive to run you in simulation Jim .1-typical, .001-jim Ben .30 Kelly .0001 Mick .15 Julia .05 Other Jim .03 Ben .1 Kelly .05 Mick .20 Julia .000000001